Thursday, September 10, 2009

Don't Stop Believin'

I haven't written in a couple of days as they past couple have been insanely crazy. I look forward to a little quiet over the weekend.

But I got home tonight and my close friend Scotty sent me the loveliest gift. We are both hooked on the show "Glee" already and he sent me the "Glee" version of the Journey song they cover "Don't Stop Believin". I adore Journey, particularly with Steve Perry of course and I think this cover is wonderful. Can't help singing to it. And those of you who know me well....I can sing.

Singing is what brought me to New York in the first place. Funny how I got distracted by working in Record Companies (Private Music and Geffen Record....Geffen when we had the cool bands, like Aerosmith, GNR, Peter Gabriel, The Sundays, Nirvana, Tesla....the list goes on). Now, along with trying to make a real go at this makeup artist thing, I'm getting back to music.

I've been writing lyrics for the past few years and have FINALLY found a composer to work with and two songs are almost done. Music AND Lyrics. Very exciting.

Anyway, another friend got me into this cool class on Film Noir that I'm really excited about. It has already been an eye opener. I am already seeing those Film Noir films a little differently then I did before. And tonight at Chelsea Cinema's Chelsea Classics I saw Joan Crawford in "Johnny Guitar". What a fun movie, but I wanted to slap the actress who played Emma....she was such an OVER ACTOR.

So that's all for now.....Still looking at my "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" Books and finding recipes I want to try. I promise I will keep you updated. Should be fun and I hope delicious.

Good Night All!

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